Time is filled with swift transition

Once again I'm sorry for not keeping this blog updated.  This spring has been absolutely crazy!  I've announce in other places but have forgotten to announce it on my own website... we're moving to Winston-Salem, NC in July!!!

We are VERY excited to be moving there though it will be hard to leave St. Louis.  We have deep roots here.  We've been here for 15 years and never thought we'd leave.  Our old home that we've been rehabbing for over 12 years, that I've affectionately named the Albatross, is nearly finished and sellable.  The friends we've developed here can never be replaced and we are sad to be leaving. But we are looking forward to a new adventure ahead with new friends and family close by, and from what I gather, the fishing in NC is pretty awesome too!

Needless to say my rod production has slowed a bit as we are preparing to move and find a new home in Winston.  I'm still building rods though I expect to be up to full capacity in September with a new shop.  If you have a rod build in mind or would like to place an order, please don't hesitate!  

We are headed to TX & AR to see family in early June then back to STL to pack up and finish the details on the house.  If you're in those areas, holler and maybe we can meet up - though my focus will be on visiting family you never know if a little beer, coffee and fishing can be fit in somewhere.

I will keep my same email address but will probably be changing my phone number(s) so keep an eye out for that.  Of course my mailing address will be changing too.

This is long overdue but the Coulee Conclave was an enormous success!  So much so that I'm planning to keep it an annual thing every spring.  You can peruse the pictures here:  http://cbarclayflyrods.com/coulee-conclave-16-gallery/

I had such a good time that I'm planning to do a Fall gathering in the Smokies along with another rodmaker.  Details to follow...

One more thing, I've been working on a new 7wt prototype.  So far I'm in love.  Think: strong bass rod to throw streamers and poppers, fishing the mangroves, enough cajones to pull a big fish out of cover.

Anyway, that's all for now.  Keep in touch!

Good fishing!  cb

p.s. Stella says hello.

Chris Barclay