The Ladies of C. Barclay Fly Rod Co.

I wanted to bring to the forefront the ladies that work behind the scenes here at C. Barclay Fly Rod Co.  Without them I absolutely couldn't do what I do.  

First is my dear and amazing daughter, Maren.  She gracefully deals with my endless requests to take video of how a rod casts and is bombarded with wrap color and style questions. She even acts interested in all the little details that I care so much about!  However, she does know when to appropriately roll her eyes at me!

Next is Kristal.  She's a very good friend of my wife's and is wonderfully perfectionistic.  She's taken my wife's rod sock designs to a new level and enjoys it.  Even though she's never fly fished (gonna change that!) she gets that what she does is important.  She is enthusiastic, hard working and dependable.  I'm very thankful for her and her family.

Lastly there's my wife, Valerie.  18 years into marriage and I'm constantly amazed by her.  She handles my endless business, financial, color and style questions with love and care.  She helped to come up with and sew my rod socks and inscribed my rods for years.  She knows that fishing is a necessary part of my life and encourages me to take a break and go!  And she's tremendously supportive of this hobby turned career.

Valerie, Maren and Kristal

My little fly rod business wouldn't be what it is without these ladies so please, if you ever meet them in person, give them a big thank you!


Chris Barclay