Colorado 2020, introduction
Dave and I just got back from a 13 day road trip to Colorado. Stella came along too. It was a great time. 4200 miles driven, 78 hours driving, 60+ miles hiked, fished 9 days straight, 350+ fish caught (each), 4 showers taken (by me, not sure about Dave). Breakfast burritos, breakfast tacos, beers, dried fruit and nuts and gallons and gallons of water consumed. 3 prototype rods tested, 8 lines tested, 3 reels tested, 2 nets tested. No phones ruined. No broken bones (that I’m aware of - something hurts but haven’t looked into it yet). Several of my favorite people fished with. 1 pair of wading boots worn out. 9,432,613 laughs. More bad jokes. 1+ temper tantrum. SOOO many flies lost. 8,439,164,623 memories made. Brook trout, brown trout, Rio Grande Cutthroat trout, Colorado River Cutthroat trout, San Juan Cutthroat trout(?). One very tired and satisfied fishing dog. Multiple hamburgers eaten (avoid the ones swimming in red/green chili sauce). Several mistakes made. Many tasty meals. And 4 trillion ideas to process.
We fished several public land ‘notellum’ waters and Dave took some incredible pictures. I had some of my best and worst day’s fishing.
There is a whole bunch of stuff to catch up on and I will be responding to all the messages via the various forms of communication as soon as possible. So, thanks for your patience!
For now, a few pictures…

Thanks for looking, and good fishing!